What is SmugMug?
SmugMug is a California-based website specializing in photo sharing. The club pays a small annual fee to SmugMug so that PSC members can share ski trip photos. Members have uploaded several thousand photos to the our site on Smug Mug. The photos stay there for several years, so members can see see past trips and remember the fun. If you haven't visited SmugMug or haven't visited it recently, you should
see the latest photos.

The obvious benefit of sharing photos is to see people who were on the trip and the great scenery. Another benefit is to be able to view resorts when one is preparing to go to that resort for the first time.
How to Share Photos
Digital photos are the easiest to share, since they are already in an electronic format. However, film-based photos can also be shared. Talk
to Jim McDonough, our SmugMug coordinator. He will explain the upload process and help you prepare your photos.
Send your photos to:
SmugMug Photos
Jim McDonough
916 Dewolfe Dr
Alexandria, VA 22308
What Types of Photos?
What do people like to see in trip photos? First are shots of people doing interesting things. Sometimes that even includes skiing! Group photos in a scenic setting are great. Photos of scenery and the resort are good when they include a really great scenic view or some unusual feature of the resort.
When you submit your photos, try to add a caption to the photo to include the names of the people and the context or location of the picture. If you don't know all the names of the participants, Jim McDonough or others in the PSC can help. Instead of consigning your great photos to the bottom drawer or an obscure file on your hard drive, share them with the other club members with our SmugMug feature!